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Búsqueda por autor: Falgarone, E. (Edith)
Mostrando 1-2 de 2 resultados, ordenados por
International Astronomical Union. Symposium (147° : 1990 : Grenoble, Francia)
1. Fragmentation of molecular clouds and star formation : proceedings of the 147th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Grenoble, France, June 12-16, 1990 / edited by E. Falgarone, F. Boulanger, and G. Duvert. 1991 Libro
Lequeux, James.
2. [Milieu interstellaire. Inglés]
The interstellar medium / James Lequeux ; with the collaboration of Edith Falgarone and Charles Ryter.
2005 Libro

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